We offer outstanding action packed, fun filled camps in four unique locations. Knock is an adventure camp in the picturesque Lake District, Brecon is a sports camp with excellent facilities, Misterton is an activity camp under canvas in the Nottinghamshire countryside, and Holiday Ireland is an adventure camp in beautiful Ireland.
And parents… you can relax, knowing that the young people are taken care of in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. We have a high ratio of staff to campers, all leaders go through checks for the purpose of child protection and all activities are supervised by qualified instructors.

Dates: 20 – 27 Jul. Age: 10 – 14. Cost: £275*
*£250 early booking discount until 30 April
A super-charged activity holiday based at the Knock Christian Centre, set in the Eden Valley of Cumbria. You’d better come prepared for action!
We provide indoor and outdoor games areas and great activities such as:
Canoeing, climbing, pony trekking, walking, ghyll scrambling and a choice of evening skill-based activities.
There are a few choice days when you can choose your favourite activity as well as planned days spent as a group on various excursions including team games and trips to the beautiful Lake District. As with all our holidays, there will be plenty of time for discussion and reflection on the teachings of the Bible as we explore our faith in a fun-filled, friendly atmosphere.

Dates: 4 – 10 Aug. Age: 11 – 17. Cost: £360*
*£320 early booking discount until 30 April
For one of the best sports holidays around, join us at Christ College, Brecon, where you’ll have access to a wide range of sports including:
Swimming, athletics, cricket, badminton, tennis, football, crafts, netball, squash, hockey, fitness suite, volleyball and basketball.
Additional potential activities include climbing, canoeing, beacon walking.
You’ll receive top tips and coaching from the leaders and special Christian guests. Don’t worry, you don’t have to be really sporty to love this camp. There’s a whole variety of social activities you’ll enjoy. Throughout the week there will be time set aside for you to consider the Christian faith for yourself.

Dates: 5 – 10 Aug. Age: 14 – 18. Cost: £125*
*£105 for second and subsequent child from family
*Fee increases by £20 if booking after 30 June
If you enjoy camps with a bit of everything, Misterton is the camp for you. Set in the Nottinghamshire countryside, you will enjoy real camping, yet with comforts of showers and indoor facilities.
The camp involves many fantastic activities such as:
Theme park, camp fires, team challenges, football, volleyball, crafts and water games along with plenty of fun!
Book now for a chilled but exciting week and the chance to learn more about the Bible and the Christian faith in a warm friendly atmosphere.

Dates: 29 Jul – 3 Aug. Age: 11 – 16. Cost: £170
Get ready for the best week ever! This year Young Life Holidays Ireland takes place at the Gosford Centre, Co. Armagh. Set in the heart of the 240 hectare Gosford Forest Park, Gosford Centre is an ideal location for a unique summer camp! The camp is an action-packed week of activities, sports, crafts and team building games. There’s something for everyone!
As well as being great fun, the camp is an opportunity for young people to make new friends and enjoy great Bible teaching in a relaxed setting.
So come and join the fun and, if possible, bring a friend!
What does the price include?
The price includes full board and accommodation, activities, tuition, equipment and excursions unless otherwise stated. The holidays are based at outdoor centres and boarding schools. The costs of the holiday are kept to a minimum as the staff pay too.
What about travel?
The cost of travel to the holiday venue is not included in the fee. Parents and guardians are responsible for the travel arrangements to and from the holiday venue. Some local groups may arrange transport to the holiday venue. If so, a responsible adult will be in attendance. Those who travel independently on public transport can be met at the coach or railway station nearest to the holiday venue.
What about safety?
All the holidays are run by experienced adult staff. There is a high ratio of staff to young people. Safety is taken seriously on the holidays. All outdoor pursuit activities are carried out under qualified supervision. The supervision may be by our own leaders, or leaders hired from a centre and accompanied by our own staff as well. All recommended safety equipment is always worn: buoyancy aids for water activities and helmets for climbing, cycling or karting. Young Life Holidays (YLH) has a Child Protection Policy and all leaders and team members are subject to this. All leaders undergo DBS checks. Details can be obtained from the office.
Kit list
Please pay close attention to the kit list sent to you by the holiday leaders. Outdoor holidays are especially dependent on having the appropriate clothing and footwear. To enjoy your holiday to the full it is essential that you bring all the items listed. We suggest that high value electrical items (such as iPods) are left at home.
What about insurance?
YLH is fully covered for public liability. You may wish to take out additional cover against personal accident, cancellation, illness and loss of personal items. YLH cannot accept liability for any claim made resulting in the loss of or damage to personal property.
Privacy Policy
We collect personal data to provide appropriate and safe activities and services, to monitor and assess the quality of our services, to fulfil our purposes as an organisation and to comply with the law regarding data sharing. In legal terms this is called ‘legitimate interests’. When it is required, we may also ask you for your consent to process your data. We do not share your information with others except as described in our Privacy Policy.
Personal conduct
There is a no smoking and no alcohol policy. We do not allow possession or use of any substances classified illegal by HM Government.
How do I book?
To book a place on a Young Life Holiday please book online at younglife.org.uk/holidays. If you have any problems booking online, please contact the YL office on 0844 884 8531.
What if I cancel?
The office should be informed immediately. If you cancel 8 weeks or less before the holiday commences you will be liable for the full fee. The initial deposit is non-refundable. If YLH cancel the holiday we will refund all fees already paid. If it is curtailed YLH will refund the fees for the portion of the holiday that is cut. If a child is sent home due to illness, behaviour or discipline problems we cannot guarantee to refund fees.
Any comments
We welcome your comments in order to continue to improve our service to you. If there is a problem with the holiday please write to us immediately and we will do our utmost to find a satisfactory solution. We would also welcome your positive feedback about the holidays.
Terms and conditions
We expect everyone who goes on the holiday to be fully involved in every aspect of the programme, including teaching sessions and daily duties, e.g. washing up on some holidays. YLH reserves the right to refuse any applications and to alter or cancel a holiday where necessary.
There will be no access for the opposite sex in the gender designated sleeping areas.
In the interests of safety, good communication and the avoidance of nuisance, the use of any personal audio equipment and phones will not be permitted on some camps.
Staff and group leaders have access to phones in the case of emergency.
Additional forms
Prior to your child going on a holiday, you will be sent additional forms to complete. These will including medical and consent forms for activities and photos.